VT Netzwelt is an internationally-recognized brand for the development of sophisticated web and mobile applications. Our organization evolved from the unique partnership between the founders, Henning Thole (Germany) and Surender Vikram (India) that dates back to early 2013.

Our European roots, a highly capable team, state-of-the-art processes, and supportive infrastructure emphasize our dedication to cutting-edge engineering solutions and stringent quality standards.

We specialize in providing premium development and design services that fit the challenging requirements of our enterprise customers across various industries in the US, Australia, and Europe.

Enterprise Software Development Solutions

Boost your business with intelligent software development

Leading software development company

Regardless whether you’re a Fortune 500 company or a startup, we help you design, build and grow cutting-edge web & mobile products that secure you a competitive edge.

Agile development methodology

We apply industry-leading, best-in-class software development methodologies, and engineering practices.

ISO 9001:2015 certified company

We adhere to most stringent enterprise-grade quality standards and are fully compliant to ISO 9001:2015.

Experienced & certified team

Our team members are true experts in their fields with numerous renowned specialist certifications (e.g. Magento, Scrum, Project Management, QA, etc.)

Makes Us The Buzz of Tech Town

Our Latest News And Insights

Azure Health Bot Revolutionizing Healthcare AI Over Open AI

Reading Time: 7 minutes There are infinite AI tools available and new ones are emerging day by day. The AI race is said to be led by innovative tools like OpenAI, Azure OpenAI, or Azure Health bot. These AI tools are doing wonders in the world of innovations, especially in the healthcare industry.

Top AI Trends Shaping the Future of Mobile Application Development in 2024

Reading Time: 12 minutes Did you know that AI is rapidly growing in the mobile industry? By 2027, the worldwide market for mobile apps is projected to reach $673.80 billion.

You are already aware of how AI is transforming mobile application development

To help you understand this growth better, have a look at the graph showing the increasing AI market size in the mobile industry. Get ready to learn more about the exciting world of AI in mobile development!

Farewell to Xamarin: Presenting Different Alternatives

Reading Time: 7 minutes Welcome to our guide on smoothly transitioning your mobile app projects from Xamarin to .NET MAUI! It’s important to note that Microsoft will no longer support Xamarin after May 1, 2024. In this blog post, we will explore the strategies and tips to help you smoothly migrate your projects.