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Angular Conference 2024 - VT Netzwelt Team

Unveiling the Insights: Our Journey at Angular Conference

Angular Conference 2024 - VT Netzwelt Team

Reading Time: 3 minutes In the fast-paced world of software, staying ahead is crucial. We recently attended Ng-India, the 6th Angular Conference in New Delhi on February 10th, 2024. It’s a hotspot for Angular and JavaScript enthusiasts to network and learn about the latest trends. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to VT Netzwelt for providing this invaluable opportunity to learn and grow. We’re grateful to Dhananjay Kumar and the organising team for putting together such a fantastic event.

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Unit Testing React Application Using Jest Testing Framework

Unit Testing React Application using Jest Testing Framework (Part-2)

Unit Testing React Application Using Jest Testing Framework

Reading Time: 8 minutes Jest is a JavaScript testing framework that allows developers to run tests on JavaScript and TypeScript code and can be easily integrated with React JS. When you use create-react-app for creating a react project, it has default support for jest and React Testing Library (RTL). This means that we do not have to install them manually.

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Javascript Unit Testing

Understanding foundational concepts of unit testing in Javascript (Part-1)

Javascript Unit Testing

Reading Time: 5 minutes “Think as if you’re a proactive software developer working on a project with a rigid deadline. You’ve been coding for hours, and you finally finish a complex feature that you’re sure will work flawlessly. But as you run the code, you notice that something’s not quite right. After some digging, you discover a critical bug that could have disastrous consequences if left unchecked. You realize that you could have caught the bug much earlier if you had written some unit tests.

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Data Indexing

Optimizing Data Through Indexing: Unlocking the Power of Efficient Data Retrieval

Data Indexing

Reading Time: 8 minutes Indexing is a robust database method that can significantly enhance query performance and increase overall system efficiency. Indexes allow quick data retrieval, sorting, and filtering processes by organizing data into organized data structures. This blog will discuss the idea of indexing, its advantages, different types of indexes, factors to take into account when using indexes effectively, and best practices to enhance database performance.

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Micro Frontends

Building Micro Frontends with React: A Scalable and Flexible Architecture for Web Applications

Micro Frontends

Reading Time: 6 minutes n the world of web development, developing large-scale applications can be very challenging. The more complex the applications become, the more difficult it can be to maintain code consistency and scalability. MicroFrontends aims to solve this problem by breaking web applications into smaller, more manageable pieces.

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Introduction to Nest

Introduction to Nest

Introduction to Nest

Reading Time: 6 minutes Nest is a Node.js framework used for building highly efficient and scalable server-side applications that also supports TypeScript. The reason for using Nest over other Node.js frameworks is that unlike Express, Nest is opinionated and provides an out-of-the-box architecture for the application which allows developers to create testable, scalable and loosely coupled and easily maintainable applications.

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Ultimate guide to Headless CMS

Ultimate guide to Headless CMS

Ultimate guide to Headless CMS

Reading Time: 6 minutes A headless CMS is nothing different from a traditional headless CMS. The only difference between the two is that the headless CMS lacks the display layer or the front-end user experience. This gives the developers the flexibility to deliver content beyond websites and mobile applications such as smart watches, IoT devices, and even for Virtual Reality (VR) headsets.

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