Mobile application

About WineMeister

WineMeister is Germany’s #1 wine app when trying to find a suitable wine for a certain type of food, occasion or taste. All wines are rated by Jan Konetzki, who was recognized as the UK Sommelier of the year in 2012 and is working as a head sommelier for the celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay. The app was featured on national TV in Germany and has more than 50,000 users.

Tools and technologies

App: iOS & Android (Native)
Tools: Android Studio 2.0, XCode
Programming Language: Java, Objective-C
Technologies: Google Maps, Google Places API,
Material Design Auto-layout, Location API,
Barcode Scanner SDK Firebase, OpenCV, HockeyApp

App development tools
app features

App features

  • Location-based alerts
  • Wine label scanner
  • Video gallery
  • Campaign measurement
  • Event tracking


It’s a true pleasure working with your talented and dedicated team – Your attention to detail as well as value-for-money is unmatchable!
Jan Konetzki – CEO, WineMeister