All posts tagged: Unit Testing

Unit Testing React Application Using Jest Testing Framework

Unit Testing React Application using Jest Testing Framework (Part-2)

Unit Testing React Application Using Jest Testing Framework

Reading Time: 8 minutes Jest is a JavaScript testing framework that allows developers to run tests on JavaScript and TypeScript code and can be easily integrated with React JS. When you use create-react-app for creating a react project, it has default support for jest and React Testing Library (RTL). This means that we do not have to install them manually.

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Javascript Unit Testing

Understanding foundational concepts of unit testing in Javascript (Part-1)

Javascript Unit Testing

Reading Time: 6 minutes “Think as if you’re a proactive software developer working on a project with a rigid deadline. You’ve been coding for hours, and you finally finish a complex feature that you’re sure will work flawlessly. But as you run the code, you notice that something’s not quite right. After some digging, you discover a critical bug that could have disastrous consequences if left unchecked. You realize that you could have caught the bug much earlier if you had written some unit tests.

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